Paid Search & Pay Per Click Advertising Agency

Paid Search & Pay Per Click Advertising Agency

Performance-Driven Pay Per Click Advertising

National Positions’ marketing analysts offer a lean, data-centric approach toward Paid Search advertising in Los Angeles (also known as Pay Per Click or Search Engine Marketing). Paid search can be a quick and effective way to drive traffic to your website provided you have the proper management and understanding of your metrics. You can spend quite a bit of money paying for expensive, unqualified clicks that aren’t going to convert into leads and customers.

Our Paid Search Approach

Far too many businesses in Los Angeles aren’t seeing the positive return on investment they want from their Paid Search campaigns. That’s because it’s easy to get distracted by focusing on vanity metrics like cost per click, impressions, traffic and raw numbers for leads and sales.

Our PPC analysts in Los Angeles focus on the data truly matters – such as Adwords quality score, cost per lead, cost per acquisition and net profitability. We think about your campaign in business terms, and this is one of the primary reasons we’ve been successful building targeted campaigns that optimize for profitability.

Here are just some of the ways we help you create a profitable Paid Search campaign:

  • Help you better understand your online search marketplace
  • Improve your positioning in the market
  • Refine your campaign based on best practices
  • Target only the most relevant users
  • Optimize bids based on “propensity to convert”
  • Create competitive and winning ad copy

Our Los Angeles PPC analysts have a proven track record of managing millions of dollars of ad spend, almost always increasing performance within the first 30 days of working on an account. Every analyst on our team in Los Angeles is Google Adwords and Google Analytics certified, as well as completing a rigorous training program before they manage a client’s campaign.

Transparency and Communication

Data-driven reporting is one of our most important practices; we strongly believe that if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it. That’s why we work in complete transparency so you can always see how your campaign is performing, what we’ve doing to optimize it, and what factors are most directly contributing to your success.

Detailed PPC Audit

If your business is currently running a paid ad campaign in Los Angeles, we’d be happy to run a free, detailed audit analyzing your current campaign in order to help you better understand your ROI, show you key areas for improvement, and more. A Paid Search audit from one of our analysts will reveal any opportunities to significantly improve your cost per lead and find new channels for growth that you may currently be missing.  If you are spending more than $1,000 per month in online advertising, you are eligible to receive a complimentary audit, which includes a comprehensive review of your Adwords account as well as strategic recommendations to help you improve your business in Los Angeles.

Paid Search Awards

At National Positions we have been awarded trusted partnership badges by both Google and Bing. These badges signify our expertise and entitle us to additional training, marketing and industry knowhow that we leverage for our customers to give them an edge over the competition.

Google Premier Partner

Our Google Premier Partner badge signifies that we are one of only 3 percent of agencies world-wide that have achieved Google’s highest and most prestigious badge. To meet the Google Premier status our agency had to meet additional certification and performance requirements.

Select Partner at Bing

National Positions is a select Bing partner. Our Bing partnership provides us with tools, expertise, trends and insights that are only available to certified Bing Ad Teams. This information allows us to make data-driven account management decisions reserved only for an elite group of Bing Ad partners.

Bing Partner Badge Teal

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