Google Shows Video Previews In Search Carousel

Google Shows Video Previews In Search Carousel

Late Friday, Google announced they are showing video previews in the search results carousel for Google app for Android and Chrome on Android by default when on a Wifi connection. Google said “when video results show up in the video carousel, just like text snippets for text results, you’ll see video previews.”

This works on wi-fi connection. To enable previews on mobile networks or to opt out of this feature, visit the settings menu within the Google app or settings for Android Chrome.

Here is a GIF of it in action:

Google Video Previews

A month ago, Google was caught testing auto-playing videos in the search results. Maybe this was some sort of test which results in this launch?

These are silent 6-second frames of the video, so they are less obtrusive than auto-playing videos by default.

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