Aaron Bradly posted on Google+ that Google recently updated video structured data type to add support for image search. Google added “your video rich results can also display in image search on mobile devices, providing users with useful information about your video.”
Aaron then shared two screen shots showing both the videos and recipe data showing in image search. You can replicate this on your mobile phone by going to Google Image search and searching for these keywords in the screen shot:
Aaron wrote:
As per the the test results I’ve provided in the same panel I can verify this is the case: clicking on an image result for which there is an associated video returns a card where video details and a “Watch” button are provided. On Android, clicking the “Watch” button launches the video in the YouTube app.
I’ve not yet seen a non-YouTube result, but the prerequisite for this functionality is seemingly only the correct structured data markup (which YouTube videos posses), so there appears to be no reason why non-YouTube videos aren’t eligible for this rich image search result.
Forum discussion at Google+.