The ultimate guide to Webflow site performance optimization

The ultimate guide to Webflow site performance optimization

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Why speed is important

When you start working on the new site, the site speed is rarely on top of your mind. However, when the design and content are finalized, the question of site performance becomes acute. 

Having a performant website is important for many reasons: 

  1. It provides a better user experience. No one likes to wait a few seconds for your site to load.
  2. It improves the conversion rate. Whatever your Call to Action is, visitors are more likely to complete it if your site is fast and responsive. It also improves all the other website metrics (bounce rate, retention, etc.)
  3. Search engine (Google) rank your website higher. And thus bring more free visitors. 

These are not just my words; they are backed by numbers.

You can use different approaches and metrics to measure your site performance. We’ll use the most common one: Google PageSpeed Insight (PSI) metrics, which they introduced as early as 2009 and started applying as a factor in the site ranking.

How to measure speed and performance

Google uses the tool Lighthouse to measure and report on the PSI site the following metrics of the website: 

  1. First Contentful Paint (FCP). 
  2. Speed Index (SI).
  3. Largest Contentful Paint (LCP).
  4. Time to Interactive (TTI).
  5. ​​Total Blocking Time (TBT).
  6. Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS).

Each metric has a ‘weight’ from 10% (FCP) to 30% (TBT). You can play with the performance calculator here

On the PSI site, you’ll also see the ‘Core Web Vitals Assessment’ (the average of the metrics computed over the previous 28-day collection period). Core Web Vitals include some Lighthouse metrics: (FCP, LCP, CLS); and some new: First Input Delay (FID), Time to First Byte (TTFB), and Interaction to Next Paint (INP). 

Lighthouse metrics are more important for us right now. And we’ll be focusing on the mobile metrics, cos if you get mobile metrics right, desktop ones will be taken care of.

You can also measure site performance by running Lighthouse through the Chrome Console Dev tools, and select more options of what you want to measure on your site. And it’s better to run the analysis in the “Incognito” mode, to avoid any plugins interfering with the test.

running Lighthouse performance calculator through the Chrome Console Dev tools

Let’s see how to achieve the best results with the Webflow site.

Webflow default speed optimization features

Not surprisingly, Webflow has many optimization features working out of the box. They deliver your site and assets through the Content Delivery Network (CDN). You can enable HTML/CSS/JS code minification (don’t forget to do it).

Webflow speed optimization features

Webflow uses Responsive images to automatically resize your images for different screen sizes (through added “srcset”). It doesn’t mean you can stop paying attention to the image sizes, but it’s very useful and handy.

Webflow Responsive images

Webflow generates and stores static pages for your CMS collection items, lazy loads images by default, etc.

However, you’d need to do much more than that to create a snappy website. Let’s get to them.

1. Third-party scripts optimization

Third-party scripts are probably the number 1 cause of bad site performance. And it will be most likely the number one recommendation in your Lighthouse / PSI report.

Website performance - Third-party script optimization

Unfortunately, no modern production website can get away without any scripts. You’d need at least 2-3 analytics and likely at least one ad library on your site. Here’s what you should do.

1.1 Leave only necessary scripts on each page

Carefully analyze all the scripts you use, and discuss with the stakeholders and your team what is absolutely necessary and what can be removed. Most likely, you have some remnants of the old analytics or styling effects lib that are no longer needed. 

Ensure that the script is added only to the page where it’s used. A common mistake is to add a JS effect library that’s used on a single page to the global footer, which makes it load unnecessarily on all the other pages. 

Leave in the global footer page only scripts that are used on every single page (like analytics, fonts, etc.)

And make a policy to test any new script through performance analysis before adding it.

1.2 Move to before

Move scripts from “” to “

” before the closing “” tag. When rendering your site, the browser parses the page from top to bottom. Lowering your scripts on the page will allow users to see the content first.

Website optimization - third party scripts - google tag manager

And don’t worry that most official docs tell you to put the scripts in the “” section. They will be perfectly fine before the “” as well.

1.3 Use “async” or “defer”

When adding the “

With the “defer” tag, the browser will also load your script in the background but start executing it only after the page is rendered. It’s useful if you need to manipulate the DOM elements or when order is important (like JS animation libs).

website optimization - “async” or “defer” attributes

It’s not always apparent if “async” or “defer” would be better in each case. Try both options, and see the results. In practice, for most of the scripts, I use “async”.

☝️ For this reason, I never use Google/Facebook setup options in the “Integrations” tab, cos you cannot control where these scripts will be placed and if they’ll use async/defer or not.

1.4 Embed the code if small 

Sometimes you’d just need a small piece of code to extend the functionality of your site. Even if the script is very small (a few KB), having it as a