Rel External, Noopener & Noreferrer Do Not Impact Google Search

Google’s John Mueller confirmed that utilizing a rel=exterior, rel=noopener and/or a rel=noreferrer don’t have any affect in your Google search rankings or search engine optimization. John mentioned on Reddit that there’s “no impact” by including these hyperlink attributes to your hyperlinks.

The query on Reddit was “What impact do rel=”exterior” backlinks have on search engine optimization?” John replied “No impact.” He then added that “some websites use it to show the hyperlink a bit in a different way (normally class=exterior although). Also rel=noopener & rel=noreferrer haven’t any search engine optimization impact, they’re normally completed for safety / privateness causes. (Reading , apparently browsers now implicitly add rel=noopener mechanically for hyperlinks that open in new tabs – TIL).”

You can add lots of markup to your web site and hyperlinks however Google doesn’t assist or use lots of it. For any markup you need to use and you have an interest in how Google makes use of it or not, it have to be listed within the Google Developer paperwork for it to be supported.

Forum dialogue at Reddit.

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