Tips to Improve Conversions for Your Pay-Per-Click Campaigns

Tips to Improve Conversions for Your Pay-Per-Click Campaigns

Pay-per-click (PPC) can be an effective way to attract new customers– when it’s done right. There’s nothing more frustrating than getting lots of clicks without any conversions. This issue typically indicates a gap in the messaging, a lack of relevance, or a lack of clarity.

Here are some practical tips to help you improve conversions for your next PPC campaign.

Conduct Keyword Research

Use keyword research to help you find relevant, low-competition keywords that set you apart from the competition. Many business owners with limited paid ad experience will use high-traffic keywords that competitors with more resources can dominate. Niching down and exploring variations can help you stand out and make content more relevant to your ideal customer.

Another common mistake is using informative keywords rather than transactional keywords. For example, if you’re doing PPC advertising for medical practices, you might include terms like “common dermatology issues” or “how to correct sun damage.”

These are informational keywords that someone in the early stage of the funnel might search for. While they’re great for driving organic traffic to the site, people in this phase aren’t ready to convert. Using these keywords in paid campaigns can be a waste of money. Instead, use transactional keywords like “best dermatologist near me” or “dermatology clinic” to attract qualified leads who are ready to convert.

Tools like SEMRush can help you clarify which keywords are right for your business and better understand the consumer intention behind them. It’s also beneficial to work with a digital marketing specialist with proven results in your industry.

Highlight the Value

Clear, concise copy is key for driving conversions and highlighting relevance to your target audience. The goal is to resonate with them, so they feel compelled to act.

Consider this ad from Little Eye Shop Optometry. The leading line (or hook) tells viewers exactly why they should click through and convert. Taking action will earn them free lenses. The value is cost savings when inflation is at an all-time high. There’s no fluff or fanfare, just a clear offering.

This ad from RTS Physiotherapy also highlights the value with a strong hook but uses a more emotional response. “Move Pain-Free without Surgery or Pain Meds!” This indicates a solution to a common customer pain point. No frivolous language was used and the value is clear.

Don’t focus on what you’re selling. Instead, highlight the solution to your customers’ problems. This approach will increase clicks and conversions by creating an emotional connection.

Use a Landing Page

Don’t direct your audience to a generic website page. Many advertisers default the click-through to a standard contact page or information page about the business. This creates friction for the customer through the introduction of distractions and extra steps.

You can streamline the conversion experience by creating a simple landing page. If your goal is to book more client consultations, generate a landing page that takes the visitor right into the booking process. If you offer several services and your ad is for a specific service, create a separate landing page from your service page.

This page is an opportunity to nourish the lead further. Expand on the value you can offer them, include testimonials and reviews, and add several call-to-actions (CTAs) with clear contact guidelines to simplify the transaction.

Consider working with a developer to create a full-bleed landing page that hides website navigation. This trick will prevent your visitor from navigating elsewhere and keep them focused on the task at hand.

Try A/B Testing

A/B testing allows you to compare and contrast your advertising copy and imagery to see what’s more effective. Try a few variations of your ad with a small sample to determine which version yields more conversions. Then, invest heavily in that version.

You can also use Google Optimize to conduct A/B testing on your landing page. Use this tool to try different button styles or CTAs and change website elements to see what features are more effective for conversions.

Use Your Analytics

Finally, set aside time to review your analytics and make outcome-based decisions. Remove keywords that aren’t converting and try different approaches. Creating an effective ad takes time and dedication; don’t give up after one ad doesn’t work.

Keep these tips in mind when creating your next PPC campaign. When in doubt, consider working with an experienced digital marketing service to build an effective campaign.

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