Actress Seo Hyun-jin revealed the reason why she lost weight noticeably

Actress Seo Hyun-jin revealed the reason why she lost weight noticeably

Actress Seo Hyun-jin revealed why she lost weight rapidly.

On July 22nd, on the YouTube channel Allure Korea, a video of Seo Hyun-jin revealing the behind-the-scenes footage of the SBS drama “Why Her?” is uploaded. In the video, Seo Hyunjin asked the stylist, “What was the most difficult part of the drama filming this time?”

In response, the stylist manager replied, “Hyun-jin lost a lot of weight while filming, so it was necessary for us to adjust the size of her outfits.” Recently, Seo Hyun-jin has attracted attention after losing so much weight that it is noticeable. Even the stylist she worked with had difficulty fitting her clothes due to Seo Hyun-jin’s change in her body shape.

Seo Hyun-jin
Seo Hyun-jin

However, Seo Hyun-jin said, “It was not intended, but it was a very good change for the script.” In the drama, Seo plays Oh Soo-jae, a cold lawyer who pursues only success in order to live. “The script has a line that goes, ‘Look at her losing weight. Her face is going to disappear.’ But Mirim (actress Lee Ju-woo) said in surprise, ‘Your weight…’” she told, recalling the filming.

Seo Hyun-jin
Seo Hyun-jin

“There were a lot of emotional scenes and a lot of scenes that consumed physical strength,” she said adding, “I tried my best to eat a lot of good food because I had a bad stomach.”

She added, “I think I lost weight because I stayed up many nights while eating only healthy foods.”

Source: Wikitree

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