33 Links to Useful Resources for Your PPC Campaign

33 Links to Useful Resources for Your PPC Campaign

The world of paid advertising can be confusing – too many business owners don’t truly understand how to set up and run a successful paid ad campaign. 

Pay-per-click (PPC) can seem intimidating, but it’s one of the most effective marketing methods out there. It’s estimated that businesses earn $8 in profit for every $1 they spend on Google Ads. 

With the wide variety of free and paid resources available to help you, setting up and successfully running your first PPC campaign is just a few clicks away. Get the maximum return on your ad investment with these 30 helpful resources for your next PPC campaign. 

What is a PPC Campaign? 

PPC is a paid ad model where you only pay when a prospect clicks on your ad. It’s commonly used on Google searches, but it’s increasingly popular on social sites like Facebook too. 

You can target your ads to specific keywords so your prospects find you when they’re looking for something you provide. Unlike organic search efforts, a PPC campaign gets you results right away. If you’re looking to build your business quickly, paid ads like PPC are the way to go. 

PPC is a key element of digital marketing – it’s effective, efficient, and easy to set up. It’s used by businesses in every industry, from little local shops to Fortune 500 corporations. 

Optimizing Your PPC Ads

Just because it’s easy to create a PPC campaign, it doesn’t mean it’s easy to create a successful campaign. 

To really get great results, you need to optimize your PPC management. That means regularly testing new ads or keywords to see if you can improve, tracking your results so you know if you’re succeeding, and using the right tools to create and test your ads before they launch. 

Launching an ad campaign without top-quality graphics or thorough testing for any issues can waste your marketing dollars on ads that don’t work well. And in-depth keyword research makes sure your PPC ads are seen by the people who are most likely to make a purchase. 

Once your ads are launched, tracking your results will give you insight into what’s working and what needs to improve. You can track stats like your cost-per-click – are you getting the right ROI to make your ads effective? Or look at your relevance score to be sure your ads are targeting the right people and keywords. 

Tackling all of these tasks manually is possible – but it’s a waste of your valuable time and money. Skipping these steps can mean your PPC ads aren’t as effective as they could be, lowering your return on investment significantly.

Table of Contents

Part 1: Top 11 Resource Links For Google Ads

Part 2: Top 10 Resources For Facebook Ads

Part 3: Resources for Ad Designs

Part 4: Useful Links To Check Conversion Codes

Part 5: Helpful Links for PPC Management

Part 6: Top 5 PPC Resource Links for Websites

33 Links to Useful Resources for Your PPC Campaign 

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33 Links to Useful Resources for Your PPC Campaign

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Part 1: Top 11 Resource Links For Google Ads

Google Ads (formerly Google Adwords) is the biggest PPC ad platform. That means there’s plenty of competition – but also plenty of tools to help you make the most of your PPC campaign. 

  1. Ad Preview & Diagnostics Tool – helps you identify why your ad extensions aren’t appearing and preview your ads.
  2. Display Planner – plan your Google Display ads with this free tool. 
  3. Keyword Planner – find new keyword ideas for your PPC campaign.
  4. Ubersuggest get an insight into your competitors’ SEO performance.
  5. Google Partners – match up with partners and advisors who have passed Google certification exams. 
  6. Ahrefs – research your competitors and get keyword ideas. 
  7. SpyFu – check out the keywords other businesses in your industry are using for their ads to get ideas for your own campaign. 
  8. SEMRush – conduct in-depth keyword research to make PPC campaigns and create a PPC toolkit. 
  9. Google Ads Editor – create, edit, and track your Google Ads. 
  10. Google Ads Performance Grader – get a grade for your Google Ads campaign based on keyword use, click-through rates, impressions, and more.
  11. Google Trends – discover what people are searching for in specific regions.
Google search result for PPC campaign with paid ad

The first result of a Google search for PPC is a paid ad – getting the result right to the top of the page.

Part 2: Top 11 Resources For Facebook Ads

Facebook is another big PPC platform with plenty of resources to help you create and manage ad campaigns. Images are more important on Facebook, so be sure your graphic designs are on point.

5 Resources for Creating Facebook Ads

  1. Image Text Check – check if your ad image is too text-heavy.
  2. Facebook Creative Hub – mock up ads before launching them.
  3. Emojipedia – find the right emoji for any ad campaign. 
  4. Canva – create free custom graphics in any size for your ads.
  5. Ad Library – see what your competitors are doing when it comes to Facebook ads.

6 Resources for Testing, Implementing, and Optimizing Ads

  1. Lead Form Testertest your API or CRM integration.
  2. Facebook Chat Support – get live support for your ads. 
  3. Facebook Analytics – understand how people interact with your business online. 
  4. 3D Model Validation Tool make sure your .glb files can be shared successfully to Facebook.
  5. App Ads Helpercheck your app platform settings.
  6. Audience Insights – learn about your ideal audience’s location, interests, and behaviors
targeted Facebook PPC ad for furniture

A Facebook ad includes images, so be sure your graphic design looks professional.

Part 3: Resources for Ad Designs

  1. Pexels – find free stock photos for your campaigns. 
  2. Unsplash – discover a wide range of free stock photos for your campaigns.  

Part 4: Useful Links To Check Conversion Codes

There’s nothing worse than getting your PPC campaign all set up to run, going live, and seeing… no conversions at all. The problem probably isn’t your campaign – it might be in your conversion codes, and you can check any issues with these tools. 

  1. Facebook Pixel Helper – troubleshoot your conversion code issues by validating your pixel implementation.
  2. Google Tag Assistant – validate that your tracking codes have been set up properly. 

Part 5: Helpful Links for PPC Management

Managing all the aspects of your PPC campaigns can be complicated – but there are resources to guide you. From creating your first campaign to measuring your results, you can find the tools you need to succeed. 

  • Hubspot PPC Management Template – get a free guide to creating your first campaign. 
  • Wordstream – learn how to improve your campaigns, track conversion data, and create optimized landing pages with this paid tool. 

Part 6: Top 5 PPC Resource Links for Websites

Running a successful PPC campaign isn’t just about the ads themselves. You also need to have well-designed landing pages and a retargeting plan for visitors who don’t immediately make a purchase to get your maximum ROI.

  1. Extension to find out fonts used in websites
  2. Flaticon – download millions of vector icons.
  3. AdRoll – retarget people who have visited your website but haven’t made a purchase. 
  4. Google Optimize 360 – test and tailor your website content for maximum conversions. 
  5. Hotjar – find out how visitors are really using your website.

A person typing on their laptop

How to Optimize Your PPC Campaign – Let Pacific54 Help

Optimizing and managing your PPC campaign by yourself is possible with the many resources available online. However, it’s still time-intensive – and as a busy professional, time is a valuable resource.  

Want a one-stop-shop for PPC campaigns and all your other marketing needs? At Pacific54, that’s exactly what we provide. Our team of digital marketing specialists is here for you, from creating your ads to measuring your results for maximum success. 

Drop us a line and we’ll be in touch with you.


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