Job Search Landscape Alters as Indeed Ceases Pa…Entry Level Jobs | Internships for Students

Job Search Landscape Alters as Indeed Ceases Pa…Entry Level Jobs | Internships for Students

In a move indicative of the changing dynamics in the job search industry, Indeed five days ago announced its decision to cease its pay-per-application advertisement model effective December 18th. This significant shift not only reflects Indeed’s evolving business strategy but also highlights the diverse advertising approaches within the job search sector, particularly contrasting with platforms like College Recruiter.

A Shift in Strategy

Indeed’s pay-per-application model, where employers are charged for each application received through their job postings, has been a part of the online job advertising ecosystem since late 2022. However, aligning with changing market trends and employer preferences, Indeed is transitioning back towards a cost-per-click (CPC) model.

Embracing Cost-Per-Click

In switching to a CPC model, Indeed is adjusting its focus to charge employers based on the number of clicks their job listings receive. This model is easier for many small- and medium-sized employers to understand, as employers can set limits on how much they are willing to pay per click, ensuring a more predictable expenditure on job advertising.

The Role of Alternative Platforms Like College Recruiter

As Indeed adapts its business model, it’s important to recognize that other platforms, such as College Recruiter, offer a broader spectrum of advertising options, including the continued use of pay-per-application alongside cost-per-click models.

College Recruiter’s Varied Offerings

College Recruiter, catering to employers targeting students and recent graduates, maintains a range of advertising solutions to suit different employer needs. Its retention of the pay-per-application model provides a performance-based option for employers who prefer to pay based on the number of applications they receive. This model is particularly appealing for roles where a high volume of applications is desired.

Alternatively, College Recruiter’s cost-per-click model offers an approach more aligned with current industry trends, focusing on the visibility and engagement of job postings rather than the quantity of applications.

Implications for the Job Search Market

Indeed’s decision and the alternatives provided by other platforms like College Recruiter signify a more nuanced and diversified job advertising market. Employers now face a strategic choice in selecting the advertising model that aligns with their recruitment goals and budgetary constraints.

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