5 Key Trends to Leverage

5 Key Trends to Leverage

Video marketing has become an essential strategy for businesses to engage customers and drive growth. However, the rapid evolution of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning demands marketers constantly adapt to leverage new opportunities. For marketing managers seeking to optimize campaigns and demonstrate ROI, understanding the latest video marketing trends is key. 

Focus on Short-Form Mobile Video

With decreasing attention spans, short-form mobile video up to 2 minutes is ideal for social platforms. According to Google, YouTube receives over 5 billion video views per day on mobile devices alone. Platforms like TikTok and Instagram increasingly dominate attention, with TikTok becoming the most downloaded app of 2020. Consumers seek easily digestible content and entertainment on the go.

To meet customers where they are, focus creative efforts on micro-videos that convey brand messaging quickly and leverage built-in social sharing features. Collaborate with influencers experienced in short-form mobile video to tap into their audiences. Track key metrics like video completion rates, shares and conversions to maximize impact. 

Streamline with AI Tools

AI tools are making video creation and distribution more efficient, enabling marketers to keep pace with demand. For example, AI can automatically generate video transcripts for accessibility, translate captions into multiple languages to extend reach or turn text-based blogs into micro-videos. 

Tools like Wistia’s Soapbox, Animoto and Clipchamp allow easy mobile video editing. AI also powers automation around video SEO, thumbnail selection and content curation. Adopting these tools fits with a marketing manager’s goal to optimize marketing efficiency on a budget. Streamlining video creation and optimization with AI allows for higher output and frees time for strategic thinking.

Webinars for Thought Leadership

For B2B marketing managers seeking thought leadership and lead generation, webinars are impactful. According to BrightTALK, 63% of marketers leverage webinars for demand generation and 41% for customer education. Live video events like webinars build credibility by sharing expertise in real-time.

With many people working remotely, interest in virtual events is rising. Promote webinars through social media, email campaigns, and online communities to reach the target audience. Keep presentations concise and reserve time for a live Q&A. Leverage AI tools within the webinar platform to analyze attendee questions and poll responses for deeper insights. Follow up with on-demand access and additional resources.  

Interactive Video

Video marketing is transitioning from a one-way medium into an interactive experience. AI powers new opportunities for interactive video like shoppable content, personalized product recommendations, and customized CTAs based on viewer attributes.

For example, during a how-to video brands can prompt viewers to “click here” for more details on products used. Quizzes and assessments embedded into video content can suggest relevant resources based on responses and capture lead data. Choose-your-own-adventure style interactive videos let audiences shape their experience. Testing interactive options and their impact on key metrics like video completion rates and conversions should be an ongoing process.  

Personalize at Scale

While video marketing starts with a single camera, AI enables personalization at scale. Data from video views, interactions, and analytics tools help to identify audience interests, behaviors, and attributes. Using machine learning, marketers can match content to specific viewer segments and customize experiences.

For example, dynamic video ads change based on the viewer and platform. Adaptive live streaming detects audience interest in real-time to adjust content. personalized video hyperlinks direct viewers to customized landing pages. Always-on personalization combines AI with a data-driven understanding of audiences and content performance to seamlessly deliver relevant experiences, a key goal for marketing managers.

In conclusion, AI and machine learning significantly impact video marketing strategies. Marketers should leverage trends like short-form mobile video, AI tools for efficiency, webinars for thought leadership, interactive video experiences and hyper-personalization to engage and convert target audiences. By adopting an agile approach to new technologies and data-driven insights, video marketing programs will continue achieving or exceeding key business goals.

Ref: https://blog.whitehat-seo.co.uk/video-marketing-adoption


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