How To Get Into Google’s AI Overviews

A bunch of SEOs are now experimenting with how they can show up in the Google AI Overviews, not just remove themselves from AI Overviews. Cyrus Shepard posted a “mini case study” on X, showing how he was able to work his site into the AI Overviews.

Cyrus explained that he “simply updated the webpage to closely match the text of the AI Overview” and then if the site was also ranking in the top 10 of the Google organic search results, that it would also show up as a website card in the AI Overviews. He shared a screenshot of his own site willing the reference link:

Google Ai Overview Seo 1

But he added, “easy come, easy go,” adding “These things change A LOT.”

He explained that he also lost his featured snippet, since he changes the content. He wrote, “Even though this query won a link, it LOST the Featured Snippet (see below) Suspect this was a net loss.”

Here is that screenshot:

Google Ai Overview Seo 2

Expect a lot of SEOs to mess around with this a lot over the coming months.

Here are those posts:

Forum discussion at X.

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