Top 9 Attorney Marketing Services to Boost Your Practice

Top 9 Attorney Marketing Services to Boost Your Practice

The legal sector’s marketing landscape is evolving rapidly, demanding more than just traditional approaches. Today’s law firms require a blend of digital savvy, strategic branding, and client-centric communication. This expert guide illuminates the path to selecting an attorney marketing agency that not only understands the intricacies of legal marketing but also brings innovative solutions to the table, ensuring your firm stands out in a competitive legal market.

Top Attorney Marketing Services


attorney marketing services


Pricing: $5,000+

Agency Size: 50+ employees

Location: Pleasant Grove, Utah

Founded: 2011

Services Offered:

  • PPC Management: Expertly manage pay-per-click (PPC) advertising campaigns for attorneys, ensuring efficient ad spend and keyword optimization to maximize online visibility. 
  • Analytics and Reporting: Provide in-depth analytics and reporting services, utilizing data-driven insights to assess campaign performance and refine strategies for improved results in attorney marketing. 
  • Conversion Rate Optimization: Implement strategies for optimizing conversion rates, enhancing the effectiveness of attorney marketing efforts by improving the rate at which website visitors become clients or leads.

As a law firm seeking to enhance your digital presence, Disruptive Advertising offers a unique blend of expertise and innovation in attorney marketing services. They excel in creating tailored advertising strategies that align with your firm’s goals, ensuring a higher ROI and client acquisition rate. With a commitment to transparency and client education, they empower law firms to understand and participate actively in their marketing journey. Disruptive Advertising’s notable achievement includes a Google Premier Partner status, underscoring their proficiency in digital marketing. Their case studies, like the one for JacksonWhite Law, demonstrate significant increases in leads and conversions, showcasing their ability to transform a law firm’s digital marketing efforts effectively.


Pricing: $1,000+

Agency Size: 50+ employees

Location: Paramus, New Jersey

Founded: 2011

Services Offered:

  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization): Enhance attorney websites’ visibility on search engines, optimize content, and improve rankings, increasing online presence and attracting potential clients. 
  • PPC (Pay-Per-Click): Strategically manage attorney PPC campaigns to ensure cost-effective advertising, keyword targeting, and ad placement, driving relevant traffic and inquiries.
  • Social Media Advertising: Execute targeted social media advertising campaigns for attorneys, reaching a wider audience, and increasing brand awareness, engagement, and potential client acquisition.

SmartSites stands out in the realm of attorney marketing services with its comprehensive and customized digital marketing solutions. They specialize in crafting SEO strategies that improve your website’s visibility and ranking, leading to increased organic traffic. Additionally, SmartSites’ web design services focus on creating user-friendly and visually appealing websites that resonate with potential clients. Their commitment to delivering measurable results is evident in their case studies, like the one for Michael J. Redenburg, Esq. PC, showcasing significant improvements in web traffic and client engagement.

Thrive Internet Marketing Agency

Pricing: $1,000+

Agency Size: 50+ employees

Location: Arlington, Texas

Founded: 2005

Services Offered:

  • Social Media Management: Effectively manage attorney social media profiles, creating engaging content, and fostering online communities to establish a strong online presence and connect with potential clients. 
  • Search Engine Marketing: Implement attorney-specific search engine marketing strategies, optimizing ad campaigns, keywords, and landing pages to drive targeted traffic and increase visibility on search engine results pages. 
  • Email Marketing: Develop and execute tailored email marketing campaigns for attorneys, nurturing client relationships, sharing valuable insights, and driving conversions through personalized communication.

Thrive Agency offers specialized attorney marketing services, focusing on creating customized strategies that cater to the unique needs of your law firm. Thrive excels in developing SEO strategies that enhance your website’s visibility and ranking, leading to increased organic traffic and client acquisition. Their PPC campaigns are designed to deliver high ROI, precisely targeting the right audience. Thrive’s solutions ensure your attorney practice is optimized for conversions. Their case studies, like the one for GoransonBain Ausley, demonstrate their ability to significantly improve online visibility and lead generation.


Pricing: Available upon request

Agency Size: 1,000+ employees

Location: Eagan, Minnesota

Founded: 1995

Services Offered:

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Enhance the online visibility of attorney websites through strategic SEO techniques, optimizing content, keywords, and website structure to improve search engine rankings. 
  • Content Services: Provide comprehensive content creation and marketing services for attorneys, including informative articles, blog posts, and engaging website content, positioning them as authorities in their field. 
  • Branding: Develop a strong and distinctive brand identity for attorneys, encompassing logo design, messaging, and visual elements that convey professionalism and trustworthiness to potential clients.

FindLaw offers attorney marketing services that are both comprehensive and tailored to the legal industry.  Their approach is focused on creating a strong online presence for your law firm, enhancing visibility and attracting more clients.  Additionally, their online advertising strategies are targeted and effective, maximizing your ROI. FindLaw’s extensive experience and resources makes them a reliable choice for law firms looking to strengthen their digital marketing efforts.

Attorney Marketing Network

Pricing: $1,000+

Agency Size: 10 – 49 employees

Location: Los Angeles, California

Founded: 2010

Services Offered:

  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization): Optimize attorney websites to improve their organic search rankings, making them more visible to potential clients and increasing online presence. 
  • SEM (Search Engine Marketing): Strategically manage attorney search engine marketing campaigns, utilizing paid advertising to reach a broader audience and drive targeted traffic to their websites. 
  • Reputation Management: Protect and enhance the online reputation of attorneys by monitoring and managing online reviews, ensuring a positive digital presence that builds trust with potential clients.

At Attorney Marketing Network, your law firm’s growth is the focal point. Their expertise lies in crafting customized marketing strategies that align with the unique demands of the legal sector. They ensure your firm ranks high in search results, driving quality traffic and potential clients to your doorstep. Their services extend beyond just attracting clients; they include content marketing, ensuring your firm maintains a sterling online presence. With a track record of success, like the Roy Dwyer case study showcasing a 100% increase in client calls and web traffic, Attorney Marketing Network demonstrates a proven ability to elevate law firms in the digital space.

PSM Marketing

Pricing: $1,000+

Agency Size: 10 – 49 employees

Location: Saint Paul, Minnesota

Founded: 1997

Services Offered:

  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization): Implement attorney-specific SEO strategies to optimize website content and structure, ensuring higher search engine rankings and increased visibility among potential clients. 
  • Content Marketing: Develop and execute tailored content marketing campaigns for attorneys, creating informative articles, blog posts, and engaging content that positions them as authoritative legal experts. 
  • Social Media Management: Manage attorney social media profiles, curating compelling content, and fostering online communities to strengthen their online presence and engage with potential clients effectively.

PSM Marketing offers a personalized touch to attorney marketing services. What sets PSM apart is their commitment to understanding each law firm’s unique identity and translating that into a compelling online presence. Their approach is holistic, considering every aspect of your firm’s brand and how it interacts with potential clients online. They emphasize the importance of a strong, consistent brand message across all digital platforms. PSM Marketing’s success is reflected in their work, such as their collaboration with a law firm that led to a significant increase in online engagement and client inquiries.

The Modern Firm

Pricing: Available upon request

Agency Size: 2 – 9 employees

Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan

Founded: 2002

Services Offered:

  • Custom Web Design: Create bespoke and visually appealing websites tailored to the unique needs and branding of attorneys, offering an engaging online experience to potential clients. 
  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization): Implement specialized SEO strategies to optimize attorney websites, ensuring high search engine rankings, and increased visibility to potential clients searching for legal services. 
  • Content Marketing: Develop and execute content marketing campaigns customized for attorneys, delivering informative articles, blog posts, and engaging content that establishes them as authoritative legal professionals and attracts potential clients.

At The Modern Firm, your law firm’s marketing needs are met with a blend of personalized attention and cutting-edge solutions. Their approach is unique, focusing on creating a compelling digital narrative that resonates with your target audience. By leveraging local SEO, they ensure your firm stands out in local search results, driving more relevant traffic to your site. With their expertise, your website becomes more than just a digital brochure; it turns into a dynamic tool that engages and informs potential clients.

The Legal Marketing Company

Pricing: $10,000+

Agency Size: 2 – 9 employees

Location: Jacksonville, Florida

Founded: 2019

Services Offered:

  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization): Tailor attorney-specific SEO strategies to enhance website visibility, improve organic search rankings, and attract potential clients seeking legal services. 
  • PPC (Pay-Per-Click): Strategically manage attorney PPC campaigns, optimizing ad targeting and keywords to ensure cost-effective advertising and drive relevant traffic and inquiries. 
  • Social Media Marketing: Execute targeted social media marketing campaigns for attorneys, expanding their online reach, increasing brand awareness, engagement, and potential client acquisition through social platforms.

The Legal Marketing Company offers a comprehensive suite of attorney marketing services designed to enhance your law firm’s online presence and client acquisition. These services are not just about increasing online visibility; they’re about building a brand that resonates with your target audience. Their SEO strategies are particularly noteworthy, focusing on both national and local SEO to ensure your firm ranks high in search results, attracting more qualified leads. The Legal Marketing Company stands out for its commitment to delivering measurable results, focusing on increasing website traffic, leads, and conversions.

Grow Law Firm

Pricing: $5,000+

Agency Size: 10 – 49 employees

Location: Chicago, Illinois

Founded: 2008

Services Offered:

  • PPC Management: Expertly manage attorney PPC campaigns, ensuring cost-effective advertising, precise keyword targeting, and optimized ad placements to drive targeted traffic and inquiries. 
  • SEM (Search Engine Marketing): Strategically employ attorney-specific SEM strategies, utilizing paid advertising to extend reach and enhance visibility on search engine results pages, attracting potential clients. 
  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization): Tailor specialized SEO techniques for attorneys, optimizing website content, keywords, and structure to improve organic search rankings, increasing online presence and attracting potential clients seeking legal services.

Grow Law Firm is dedicated to helping your law firm achieve substantial growth through targeted attorney marketing services. Their SEO strategies are particularly effective, focusing on both on-page and off-page optimization to ensure your firm ranks prominently in search engine results. Content marketing is another area where Grow Law Firm excels, producing engaging and informative content that not only attracts visitors but also establishes your firm as a thought leader in the legal field.

What Do Attorney Marketing Agencies Do?

Attorney marketing agencies specialize in creating and implementing marketing strategies specifically tailored for law firms and legal professionals. Their role is multifaceted, encompassing various aspects of digital and traditional marketing to enhance a law firm’s visibility, reputation, and client acquisition.

Developing Tailored Marketing Strategies: These agencies start by understanding a law firm’s unique needs, goals, and target audience. They craft customized marketing plans that align with the firm’s objectives, whether increasing local visibility, establishing thought leadership, or attracting specific types of clients.

Website Design and Optimization: A key service is designing and optimizing law firm websites. This includes creating user-friendly, informative, visually appealing websites optimized for search engines. They ensure that the website not only ranks high in search engine results but also resonates with potential clients.

Content Creation and Management: Content marketing is a significant part of their services. Agencies produce high-quality, informative content like blog posts, articles, and whitepapers demonstrating the firm’s expertise. This content is informative and SEO-friendly, helping improve the firm’s online visibility and search rankings.

Social Media Management: They manage the law firm’s presence on social media platforms. This involves creating and posting content, engaging with the audience, and running social media advertising campaigns. The aim is to build the firm’s brand, engage with potential clients, and drive traffic to the website.

Digital Advertising: Attorney marketing agencies often run digital advertising campaigns, including pay-per-click (PPC) and display ads. These targeted campaigns are designed to reach potential clients when they search for legal services.

Reputation Management: They also focus on online reputation management, ensuring that the law firm maintains a positive image online. This can include managing online reviews, addressing negative feedback, and highlighting positive client experiences.

Analytics and Reporting: These agencies provide regular reports and analytics on the performance of marketing campaigns. This data helps law firms understand the return on their marketing investment and guides future marketing decisions.

Attorney marketing agencies are the bridge between law firms and their potential clients. They use a mix of marketing tools and strategies to communicate the firm’s value proposition, expertise, and services to the right audience, ultimately aiding in client acquisition and retention.

Understanding the Impact of Digital Marketing in Legal Services

Attornet Marketing Services Stats

The legal industry has witnessed a significant transformation with the advent of digital marketing. This shift marks a new era in how legal services are marketed and consumed. Digital marketing now plays a pivotal role, accounting for approximately 39% of law firms’ marketing budgets. This change is driven by the need to meet clients in their digital spaces and the unique advantages digital marketing offers.

  • Targeted Outreach to the Right Audience

Digital marketing revolutionizes how law firms reach potential clients. Platforms like Google Ads and social media enable the creation of highly targeted advertisements, ensuring that your message reaches individuals seeking specific legal services. This precision in targeting is complemented by SEO strategies that enhance the visibility of a law firm’s website to those actively searching for legal assistance. Notably, organic search in the legal sector boasts a conversion rate of over 4%, surpassing the average across various channels.

  • Engagement Through Content Strategy

Engagement is a cornerstone of digital marketing. Law firms can establish their expertise and connect with their audience by consistently delivering valuable content through blogs, articles, and newsletters. This approach not only attracts potential clients but also improves search engine rankings, making the firm more discoverable online.

One of the greatest strengths of digital marketing is its measurability. Tools like Google Analytics offer deep insights into website traffic, user behavior, and conversion rates. For example, email marketing in the legal sector has shown a remarkable 4.5% conversion rate. Although paid search drives a significant portion of web traffic (58%), its conversion rate is relatively lower at 1.8%. These metrics allow law firms to understand their marketing effectiveness and adjust strategies for better ROI.

In today’s digital age, clients expect a robust online presence from their legal service providers. A well-designed website, active social media engagement, and online client reviews have become essential. These digital elements significantly influence client perceptions and decision-making. Recognizing this, 57% of US law firms have increased their marketing budgets to strengthen their digital presence.

In attorney marketing, the right agency can be a game-changer for your law firm. It’s about crafting a narrative that resonates with your audience, leverag


In crafting this comprehensive guide to attorney marketing services, our methodology was meticulous and data-driven. We analyzed a vast array of attorney marketing agencies, focusing on a diverse range of factors crucial for effective legal marketing. Our evaluation encompassed aspects such as the agencies’ expertise in legal marketing, their track record of successful campaigns, client testimonials, and their ability to navigate the unique challenges of the legal industry. We also scrutinized their digital marketing prowess, including SEO, content marketing, and social media strategies. Our team of well-versed industry experts, with over six years of experience in the attorney marketing realm and having reviewed over 14,000 agencies, combined quantitative data with qualitative insights to ensure a well-rounded and reliable guide. We’ve also drawn from our extensive body of work, encompassing over 3,000 articles, to provide you with the most current and comprehensive information in the field.

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes attorney marketing different from general business marketing?

Attorney marketing requires a nuanced understanding of legal ethics, client confidentiality, and the specific needs of a legal audience. It’s not just about promoting services but also about building trust and credibility in a highly regulated industry.

How important is SEO for attorney marketing?

SEO is crucial for attorney marketing as it helps law firms become more visible online to potential clients. Effective SEO strategies can significantly improve a law firm’s search engine rankings, making it easier for clients to find them.

Can social media be effectively used in attorney marketing?

Yes, social media can be a powerful tool for attorney marketing. It allows law firms to engage with their audience, showcase their expertise, and build a community around their brand while adhering to ethical guidelines.

What role does content marketing play in attorney marketing?

Content marketing is key in attorney marketing as it helps establish the firm’s authority and expertise. Informative blogs, articles, and newsletters can provide valuable information to potential clients and increase the firm’s online presence.

Is it necessary for law firms to invest in digital advertising?

Digital advertising can be a beneficial component of a law firm’s marketing strategy. It allows for targeted campaigns that can reach potential clients at the right time with the right message, increasing the chances of engagement and conversion.

About the Author and Expert Reviewer

Dan Atkins


Dan Atkins is a renowned SEO specialist and digital marketing consultant, recognized for boosting small business visibility online. With expertise in AdWords, ecommerce, and social media optimization, he has collaborated with numerous agencies, enhancing B2B lead generation strategies. His hands-on consulting experience empowers him to impart advanced insights and innovative tactics to his readers.

Djanan Kasumovic

Expert Reviewer

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