Social media optimization importance for organizational branding

Social media optimization importance for organizational branding

UNAIR NEWSUniversitas Airlangga held the third batch of the News and Content Training (NCT) workshop on Thursday, February 29, 2024. NCT is a regular event organized by the Center for Communication, Information, and Public Relations (PKIP) aimed at refining journalistic and media content skills in delivering information and news.

Held at the Kahuripan building MERR-C Campus UNAIR, lecture Gesang Manggala Nugraha Putra SS SA MHum delivered material on Social Media Optimization for Organizational Branding. Over time, organizations utilize the social media platform to interact with the audience and build an online community.

“The simplest reason for social media as organizational branding is that a brand is an impression formed from others’ interactions with our organization,” he said.

Forms of interaction can vary through what they see, hear, or experience themselves. Different impressions present different aspects of a brand. Organizations need to use social media as a tool to counter negative information. The content supports the intended message, thus helping balance the narrative and create a positive impression of the organization.

The English Literature lecturer further stated that social media content should be humanistic to build a strong emotional connection with the audience. Social media provides a platform with broad reach and creates a community space that connects organizational members and the public.

Social media content is real-time. It can be uploaded at any time to create a consistent flow of information. Besides, social media features interactive elements to build engagement between the organization and the wider community. The use of media analytics features provides essential information for determining suitable branding strategies for the organization.

Gesang shared tips to maximize the use of social media, including using consistent branding elements such as logos, colors, and language styles to emphasize the organization’s identity. Promote content cross-platform to reach a wider audience. Also, seek feedback from users and followers to refine the user experience strategy.

“An often-neglected aspect is the creation of a content calendar to plan and schedule production and uploads. It’s crucial to adhere to the established guidelines,” he said.

Author: Mutiara Rachmi Karenina

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia

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