Everything you need to know about website landing pages

Everything you need to know about website landing pages

Is your auto shop currently running pay-per-click (PPC) ads or sending email campaigns? If so, you should also be creating landing pages for your website.

A well-designed landing page can help increase conversions for your search engine marketing, like Google Adwords, or your email marketing campaigns.

What is a landing page?

A landing page is any web page that an internet user can visit or “land” on.

However, when talking about landing pages in reference to marketing, a landing page is a web page that has been designed for a specific goal. The landing page goal could be promoting a sale or a new store location, or targeting a specific car or demographic, for example.

Normally a landing page will offer limited navigation so the user has limited options to navigate away from the page and it instead guides them toward your intended conversion goal.

What is the purpose of a landing page?

Instead of directing visitors to your general website (where they may have a hard time finding what they’re looking for), you can direct them to a custom landing page that will guide them in the direction you want them to take.

Each PPC or email campaign you create can have ads that go to a landing page with content that ties into that ad. You can even test different offers to see which ones attract the most attention.

Possible custom landing pages for auto service businesses can range from vehicle type pages (for example, for Japanese vehicles), vehicle brand pages (say, Ford, for instance), tire brand pages (like Michelin-only brands), and so on.

The key to these pages is that they should be clear, informative, and concise and have a good offer.

If you would like to take a deeper dive and learn more about how to build a better landing page and how you can achieve better results from your digital campaigns, read the following post. It’ll teach you how to increase your orders by 300 percent with a high-converting auto-service landing page.


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