10 Best Mobile App Marketing Services for Boosting Your App’s Visibility

10 Best Mobile App Marketing Services for Boosting Your App’s Visibility

Industry experts unveil the premier mobile app marketing agencies, each a beacon of innovation in the paid search arena. Explore their bespoke services, scrutinize their celebrated campaigns, and examine client feedback to discern your ideal marketing ally. This guide illuminates the path to selecting an agency that not only understands the nuances of app promotion but elevates your brand in the digital expanse.

Top Best Mobile App Marketing Services


mobile app marketing services


Pricing: $50,000+ | $150-$199/hr

Team Size: 50+

Location: New York City, San Francisco, Miami, London, Tel Aviv

As you navigate the complex terrain of mobile app marketing, Moburst stands out as a marketing agency that tailors robust strategies to elevate your app’s presence. Specializing in user acquisition, App Store Optimization, and creative production, Moburst has a proven track record of propelling apps to the top of the charts. They’re not just about getting your app downloaded but ensuring it remains installed and used.

With a team size indicative of a vast pool of expertise and a pricing model designed for projects of various scales, Moburst is equipped to handle your mobile app marketing needs from A to Z. Their work has earned them accolades and a reputation for excellence, as evidenced by their case studies, which demonstrate significant growth in user acquisition and retention rates.


Pricing: $1,000+ | $100-$149/hr

Team Size: 50+

Location: Paramus, New Jersey

At SmartSites, your mobile app marketing is engineered to stand out. This agency excels in delivering bespoke mobile app design and marketing strategies that resonate with your target audience. With a keen eye on the latest trends and user behaviors, SmartSites crafts experiences that attract users and foster loyalty.

Their services extend beyond design to include comprehensive marketing solutions that ensure your app gains traction and visibility. With a global presence and a boutique team, they offer personalized attention to detail and a commitment to excellence that has been recognized across the industry. Dive into their portfolio, and you’ll find case studies that speak volumes of their ability to scale apps effectively, making them a premier choice for your mobile app marketing needs.

Innowise Group

Pricing: $5,000+ | $50-$99/hr

Team Size: 50+

Location: St. Petersburg, Florida

Innowise Group is your gateway to a mobile app marketing agency that brings a blend of innovation and wisdom to your app’s market entry and growth. Their expansive team is adept at navigating the intricacies of mobile application development, ensuring your app reaches and captivates a global audience.

Innowise Group offers a spectrum of services, from market analysis to user acquisition and retention strategies. The agency’s extensive case studies reveal a pattern of success in enhancing app visibility and user engagement, making them a formidable ally in the competitive app marketplace.

Naked Development

Pricing: $25,000+ | $100-$149/hr

Team Size: 10-49

Location: Irvine and Austin, Texas

Naked Development takes your app from concept to market with a clear focus on growth and user engagement. As a mobile app marketing agency, they understand the nuances of what makes an app stick. Their services are not just about crafting a marketing strategy; they’re about creating an ecosystem where your app thrives through user-centric design and data-driven marketing tactics.

Their case studies showcase a history of delivering apps that not only meet but exceed market expectations. By choosing Naked Development, you’re opting for an agency that not only understands the path to app success but walks you through every step of the journey.


Pricing: $10,000+  | $100-$149/hr

Team Size: 10-49

Location: New York, New York

Semnexus is poised to take your mobile app marketing to new heights, focusing on amplifying your app’s market presence. Their expertise in app store optimization and performance marketing ensures that your app not only garners attention but maintains a high user retention rate. Their strategic approach is backed by an impressive portfolio of case studies, highlighting their success in driving app growth through targeted user acquisition campaigns.

At Semnexus, they understand that every app is unique, and they are committed to providing tailored solutions that fit your budget and marketing goals. Engage with Semnexus and watch as they deploy their marketing acumen to elevate your app above the competition.


Pricing: $1,000+ | <25/hr

Team Size: 10 – 49

Location: London, UK | Lviv, Ukraine

Applica is your partner in carving out a niche for your mobile app in a saturated market. This mobile app marketing agency specializes in creating strategies that not only attract users but also convert them into loyal customers.

With a keen understanding of the mobile landscape, Applica’s services span from strategic planning to execution, ensuring your app’s marketing campaign is seamless and effective. Their case studies demonstrate a proven track record of success, particularly in user acquisition and retention. With an agile and adaptive team, they offer standout services, making them an ideal choice for businesses looking to make a significant impact with their mobile app.

Yodel Mobile

Pricing: $25,000+ | $100-$149/hr

Team Size: 10-49

Location: London, UK

Yodel Mobile is a mobile app marketing agency specializing in launching and scaling apps. Their approach is holistic, covering every aspect of app marketing, from ASO to user acquisition and beyond. With a model that caters to more substantial projects, Yodel Mobile is best suited for businesses ready to invest in significant growth.

Their team’s expertise is evident in their case studies, which showcase their ability to increase app visibility and user numbers. By partnering with Yodel Mobile, you’re choosing an agency with a track record of turning apps into market leaders.

App Radar

Pricing: $1,000+ | $50-$99

Team Size: 10 – 49

Location: Graz, Austria

App Radar is not just a mobile app development and marketing agency; it’s a growth partner that empowers you with AI-driven insights and strategies tailored to your app’s success. Their platform offers a comprehensive suite of tools for market intelligence, keyword optimization, and performance tracking, all designed to enhance your app’s visibility and user acquisition.

With a flexible marketing model and a team passionate about app growth, App Radar is an excellent choice for developers at any stage. Their case studies, like the one with Ironhide Game Studio, demonstrate their prowess in multiplying app installs and revenue.


Pricing: $10,000+ | $25-$49/hr

Team Size: 50 – 249

Location: San Francisco, California

Intuz turns your mobile app into a market contender with its comprehensive marketing strategies and development services. This mobile app marketing agency boasts a broad team of experts dedicated to ensuring your app’s performance peaks in a competitive digital ecosystem. Intuz offers a balance of affordability and quality with a pricing model that includes various project sizes. Their case studies reveal a history of enhancing app visibility and user engagement, making them a solid choice for your app marketing needs.

Admiral Media

Pricing: $50,000+

Team Size: 10 – 49

Location: Marbella, Spain

Admiral Media is a performance-driven mobile app marketing agency specializing in user acquisition and ASO. Their approach is data-centric, ensuring that every marketing move is calculated and effective. With a focus on paid campaigns and creative optimization, they have a knack for not just attracting users but also retaining them. They are committed to launching and supporting substantial and impactful projects. Their case studies, including the success story with Petit BamBou, highlight their expertise in scaling apps efficiently. Choose Admiral Media for a marketing campaign that’s as strategic as it is creative.

Navigating the Surge of App Marketing in 2024’s Digital Economy

The digital terrain of 2024 is a testament to the explosive impact of mobile app marketing, a force reshaping the interaction between consumers and technology. In the United States, the app market flourished, generating a staggering $42.2 billion in revenue with over 12.2 billion downloads—a clear indicator of mobile apps’ integral role in daily life. Users are not just downloading apps; they are investing time, with a collective 3.8 trillion hours spent in-app in 2022 alone.

The global perspective is equally compelling, with mobile apps poised to generate upwards of $935 billion in revenue. The digital shelves of app stores are brimming, offering nearly 3.55 million options on Google Play and surpassing 1.6 million on the App Store. This abundance meets a voracious appetite, particularly among Millennials, 21% of whom open an app more than 50 times a day, while nearly half of all users engage with apps over 11 times daily.

The trajectory of mobile advertising spend is soaring and is anticipated to eclipse $495 billion by end of 2024. This shift is underpinned by the fact that mobile devices are ubiquitous, with 66.6% of the global population using them and an even more pronounced 84.2% of Americans using phones to access the internet.

The smartphone has become nearly universal, with usage rates of more than 6 billion people globally. This number is on a steady climb, with projections pointing to over 7.6 billion by 2026. The geographical spread of users varies, with China leading in numbers and Thailand at the lower end of the spectrum.

Marketers are attuned to these trends, with mobile advertising spending hitting a record $327.1 billion, marking a 17.2% increase from the previous year. Future projections remain bullish, with expectations of nearly $399.6 billion by end of 2024. Reflecting this priority, marketers report allocating 51% of their budgets to mobile ads.

These statistics not only highlight the colossal scale and deep penetration of mobile apps but also underscore the critical importance of mobile marketing strategies. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, the centrality of mobile platforms for advertisers and app developers becomes increasingly pronounced, signaling a new era of digital engagement and commerce.

Pricing Levels in Mobile App Marketing Services

When it comes to selecting a mobile app marketing agency, understanding the pricing structure is as crucial as the services offered. Agencies typically offer a range of pricing that corresponds to the depth and breadth of their services, team expertise, and the expected outcomes for your app. Here’s a breakdown of what you can anticipate at various pricing levels:

Entry-Level Pricing: Starting Below $10,000

Agencies: SmartSites, App Radar, Applica

Average Hourly Rate: $100 – $149

Best for: Businesses on a tighter budget or with smaller-scale projects. These agencies deliver tailored strategies encompassing user acquisition, ASO, and creative production, ensuring your app doesn’t just get downloaded but continues to be used and engaged with.

Mid-Tier Pricing: Around $10,000 – $50,000

Agencies: Innowise, Semnexus, Intuz, Yadel Mobile, Naked Development

Average Hourly Rate: $25 – $149

Best for: Businesses looking for personalized services and comprehensive strategies focusing on user-centric mobile design, data-driven marketing tactics, and strategic planning and execution.

Premium Pricing: $50,000+

Agencies: Moburst and Admiral Media

Average Hourly Rate: $150 – $199

Best for: Businesses ready to invest in their app’s significant growth. These agencies offer bespoke mobile app UX design and strategies, including comprehensive marketing solutions.

Each agency’s pricing indicates the scope and scale of services and the complexity of the projects they undertake. From entry-level to premium services, the pricing levels reflect a commitment to providing value, whether it’s through tailored solutions for startups or comprehensive strategies for established enterprises. By understanding these pricing tiers, businesses can better align their mobile app marketing needs with the right agency partnership.


In assembling our list of premier mobile app marketing services, we’ve conducted an exhaustive analysis of the digital marketing landscape. Our team, with over six years of industry experience and a more than 3000 articles portfolio, has rigorously reviewed countless agencies. We’ve scrutinized many metrics, including client outcomes, strategic innovation, market responsiveness, and service transparency. Client testimonials and user reviews have been pivotal in our evaluation, ensuring that our recommendations reflect the highest standards of excellence and reliability. Our in-depth selection process, informed by extensive digital marketing expertise, has yielded a curated list of top-tier mobile app marketing agencies. This guide is designed to direct businesses towards a partnership that not only aligns with their immediate marketing objectives but also fortifies their long-term competitive edge in the evolving digital arena.


In app marketing, aligning with a top-tier agency is not just a choice but a strategic imperative. The agencies profiled herein stand at the vanguard of paid search, offering a fusion of creativity, analytics, and market acumen. As you embark on this pivotal partnership, let their expertise navigate the complexities of digital promotion, ensuring your app claims its rightful place in the spotlight.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I look for in a mobile app marketing agency?

When searching for a mobile app marketing agency, consider their expertise in app store optimization (ASO), user acquisition, retention strategies, and analytics. Look for a proven track record in your app’s niche, a clear communication style, and a marketing philosophy that aligns with your brand’s values. It’s also important to review their case studies and client testimonials to gauge their reliability and effectiveness.

How does an app marketing agency improve my app’s visibility?

An app marketing agency employs strategies like ASO to enhance your app’s visibility in the app stores. They use keyword optimization, compelling visuals, and persuasive copy to improve your app’s search ranking. Additionally, they may run targeted ad campaigns and leverage social media to increase awareness and drive downloads.

Can an app marketing agency help with user retention and engagement?

Yes, a good app marketing agency will have strategies in place to not only attract users but also keep them engaged. This can include re-engagement campaigns, personalized content, in-app messaging, and loyalty programs. They will also use analytics to monitor user behavior and tweak strategies accordingly to improve retention rates.

What kind of return on investment (ROI) can I expect from hiring an app marketing agency?

The ROI from hiring an app marketing agency can vary based on several factors, including the effectiveness of the marketing strategies employed, the competitiveness of your app’s niche, and the alignment between your goals and the agency’s execution. A reputable agency will set clear KPIs and use data-driven approaches to optimize campaigns for better ROI.

How do app marketing agencies charge for their services?

App marketing agencies can charge in various ways, including flat fees for specific services, monthly retainer models, or performance-based pricing where costs are tied to specific results like app downloads or engagement metrics. It’s important to discuss pricing structures upfront to find an arrangement that aligns with your budget and marketing objectives.

About the Author

Dan Atkins


Dan Atkins is a renowned SEO specialist and digital marketing consultant, recognized for boosting small business visibility online. With expertise in AdWords, ecommerce, and social media optimization, he has collaborated with numerous agencies, enhancing B2B lead generation strategies. His hands-on consulting experience empowers him to impart advanced insights and innovative tactics to his readers.


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