LETTER: A free and easy way to help all veterans | Letters to Editor

LETTER: A free and easy way to help all veterans | Letters to Editor

To the Editor:

For Veterans Day, I notice that Ontario County is planning to honor veterans (https://www.fltimes.com/news/ontario-county-joins-observance-for-veterans/article_8d4ce10c-774e-11ee-a243-c39950fd1b59.html).

May I suggest an extra way of helping veterans? It’s free and doesn’t even require registration. Everyone can simply go to www.theveteranssite.com and click on the “Click to Give — It’s FREE!” button. The advertisers pay per click to provide food and housing for veterans in need.

It may not be much, but it’s quick, easy, and free. And, by the way, you can also do it every day, all year round, not just at Veterans Day. Also for free.




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