Pay-per-click for Hotels: What you need to know

Pay-per-click for Hotels: What you need to know

Pay-per-click advertising, commonly referred to as PPC, is an effective way to generate more bookings on your website. This hotel advertising strategy needs to be well considered and effectively implemented in order to increase your site visitors and conversion rates.

Here’s everything you need to know about PPC for hotels:

What is a PPC campaign?

A PPC campaign, or search engine marketing campaign is an advertising campaign in which a hotel targets a keyword to promote their website to a specific set of online searchers.

The number of clicks the link receives dictates the amount that is paid for the campaign, making it a cost-effective way to drive traffic to your hotel website. However, it’s important that your PPC campaign does more than simply generate a tonne of clicks. It needs to attract motivated travellers who are interested and highly likely to book a room at your hotel.

How should you choose a PPC keyword?

The heart of any PPC campaign is the keyword. It’s important you perform adequate research about the target audience and their online search habits before selecting a keyword for the next PPC campaign.

Keywords need to be relevant to your brand, but also specific enough to reach the target audience that is most likely to book with you.

For example, you would want to include popular versions of your keyword search phrase as well as long-form versions identifying specific locations and other important details.

A PPC campaign is an effective way to get more of your guests to book direct.

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