Pay-per-click Advertising for Insurance Agencies

Pay-per-click Advertising for Insurance Agencies

Pay-per-click advertising is an effective way to generate new leads for your insurance agency. Get ready for your next PPC campaign with tips and resources on our blog.

Insurance agencies often face tough competition since there are several agents in each community and because purchasing insurance online keeps getting easier. So with enormous companies like Geico placing ads front and center on search engines, how can local insurance agencies stand out?

The answer is in highly targeted ads that attract the right customers. You can’t compete with the marketing budget of large direct-to-consumer insurance companies. But you can compete within your local community with one-on-one service for customers.

Most customers aren’t sure how much insurance coverage they really need and what a fair price to pay for that coverage is. And while they might have tried an online budget provider, they’re now seeking someone they can trust to tell them the best next steps for their business.

Finding these individuals and providing them your valuable content at the right moment can be very effective in generating high-quality leads. Here’s a guide to pay-per-click (PPC) advertising for your insurance agency.

1. Target Your Ads Carefully

As a local insurance agent, an easy way to target your ads to get started is through geography. Choose a 20-mile radius around your insurance agency.

Then select key terms that users might be searching for related to your business. While you probably offer auto, home, business and life insurance, target the most successful lines of business for your agency.

For example, if 80 percent of your sales are from business insurance, only run pay-per-click ads for business insurance while you build success with your ads. You can always take lessons learned and apply them to a new campaign for auto insurance later on once you have more experience with PPC.

2. Draft Targeted Ad Copy

Consider the big questions your customers might have in the early phases of researching insurance information.

While you don’t have tons of space in an ad to answer these questions, you can tease the user to make it clear you have the answers and will provide those answers if they click your ad.

Avoid stating the obvious or being too generic with your ads. Don’t just list out the lines of insurance you offer but really get at what your potential customers are searching for.

3. Build a Lead Strategy

Once you’ve targeted your ads and designed copy that entices visitors to click your ad, you need to consider what happens next. When the visitor lands on your website, you have seconds to draw them in and engage with them.

Marketing Tips for Automating Personalized Relationships with Your Insurance Clients

Insurance agents are involved in a very personal business. Learn how to build personal relationships while automating some interactions.

Creating a custom landing page can help with engaging these users. But you also want to consider how you get their contact information. Offering an insurance quote can be a good way or encouraging them to download an ebook, whitepaper or additional information that will help them in their insurance shopping experience could encourage them to share their information with you.

Before you launch your PPC campaign, have a plan for how you’ll follow up with leads you generate with the campaign to convert them to buyers. To get the most ROI out of your campaign you’ll want to have an effective lead generation and lead follow-up strategy in place.

4. Review and Refine Your Campaign

ppc campaigns for insurance agency

Chances are, you won’t get your PPC campaign perfectly right when you first set it up. There’s always some refinement necessary to ensure the targeting and keywords are correct to avoid spending money on ads that aren’t performing for you.

Take a look at the searches your ad is showing for and add negative keywords for terms or phrases that don’t make sense for your ad. Add or remove keywords that aren’t performing or that you forgot in your initial campaign build.

PPC Advertising for Insurance Agencies

Hire an expert for your PPC advertising campaigns. New Light Digital understands your business’s needs and can help you prepare a successful PPC campaign that delivers leads to your business. Get a quote to learn more about our services.

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