DMD or MBA: Why it’s important to specialize in marketing for your master’s
The search for the ideal master’s program is difficult, as one must consider many factors: timing, location, and, of course, unique program features and requirements. The search becomes even more complicated when the field you are interested in is closely linked to a wide variety of industries. Marketing, being an industry sheltered within the much larger, broader world of business, is one of these fields.
Pursuing an MBA may be alluring if one is interested in entering the field of marketing. On the surface, a program teaching the ins-and-outs of business management seems like a natural next-step towards marketing director and marketing management positions. However, depending on your learning goals, a specialized program in marketing may be the better step for your education.
Many MBA programs offer specialization in marketing, but they rarely provide a dive deep into the marketing industry and its functions. Much of an MBA program consists of management, finance, and accounting courses, which leaves little room for electives that would be more relevant to your intended career path in marketing.
Marketing is an ever-changing industry with new optimizations, trends, and regulations to stay up to date on. The field is now almost completely digital, with social media and the internet gaining a larger and larger role in marketing strategies. Positions like the role of Social Media Manager and Digital Marketing Strategist require individuals to be highly skilled in the areas of copy-editing, graphic design, brand strategy, social media optimization, videography, and more.
Digital marketing is a high growth field — which is why a degree in digital marketing can be extremely useful. The core classes in our Digital Marketing and Design master’s degree gives students a much deeper understanding of the inner workings of digital environments. Courses centering around concepts like Search Engine Optimization, Conversion Rate Optimization, and User Experience Design give students the tools necessary to run more effective digital marketing campaigns.
The Brandeis GPS program in Digital Marketing and Design also stands out due to its inclusion of design. Despite its usefulness, design is rarely incorporated into marketing programs. With offerings like User Interface Design, Design Ideation & Prototyping, and Universal Design & Digital Accessibility, the Brandeis GPS program in Digital Marketing and Design offers students a competitive edge, helping them to gain expertise in both the technical and creative components of marketing.
The importance of degree specialization should not be underestimated. If you are planning to further your education and enhance your career by pursuing a master’s degree, it is crucial that you keep this in mind.
For more information about the Brandeis GPS master’s in Digital Marketing and Design, visit the program webpage.